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Tiffin EMBA are în componență 14 cursuri care vizează informații complexe și importante, cu studii de caz și focus pe rezultate palpabile, într-un mediu de afaceri ancorat în realitate.


MGT 622 – Management Strategic

Acest curs sintetizează întreaga arie curriculară a Programului Tiffin Executive EMBA. Integrarea cunoştinţelor în vederea rezolvării diverselor probleme strategice necesare managerilor pentru a îmbunătăţi şi a dezvolta propria afacere în lumea business-ului.

HRM 610 – Negotiations & Conflict Resolution

The course explores the nature and steps in negotiation strategies for conflict/dispute resolution, labor/management relations and mediation. In addition, the student evaluates interpersonal skills in order to achieve positive outcomes.

MGT 614 – Management Global şi Transnaţional

Acest curs tratează managementul companiilor multinaţionale şi managementul în economia globală. Construit pe cunoştinţele interdisciplinare acumulate pe parcursul programului, acest curs discută:

• Probleme interculturale

• Chestiuni sociopolitice şi economice

• Managementul strategic internaţional.

MGT 621 – Design şi Analiză Organizaţională

Baza acestui curs o reprezintă examinarea organizaţiilor din punct de vedere al modelelor de design şi operaţiuni prin intermediul unor subiecte care includ:

• Interfaţa cu mediul organizaţional

• Structură și tehnologie

• Sisteme socio-tehnice şi culturale

LDR 531 – Modelare Decizională pentru Manageri

Principalul obiectiv al acestui curs este de a preda modul prin care influența unui lider poate face diferența într-un business. Este inclusă utilizarea principiilor practice de conducere în vederea creări unui model şi a unui set de perspective corelate pentru a înțelege cum poate deveni o persoană un lider mai bun, pentru sine şi pentru organizaţie.

MGT 623 – Probleme Legale şi Etice în Management

Acest curs discută problemele legale şi etice cu care se confruntă managerii din sectorul public şi privat. Se vor analiza probleme de actualitate, reglementări, practici şi politici comerciale.

FIN 612 – Managerial Finance

This course builds on the student’s basic knowledge of accounting concepts to enhance their ability to evaluate the use of accounting data for internal planning, control and decision-making for managers.
Financial decision making addressing the structure of capital: its cost, availability and selection, along with management of cash flows and distributions are the focus of this course.

MGT 526 – Quantitative Analysis for Managers

The focus of this course is using statistical data to solve business problems. Areas to be covered will include descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will learn how to ask the right questions, evaluate data and spot statistical misuse. They will understand the importance of validity and reliability in data collection. Areas to be covered include samples, experiments, measurement, data collection, tables and charts, descriptive statistics, distributions, confidence intervals, regression, t-tests, chi-squares and correlation. The student will not become a statistician but will be able to have a basic understanding of how to use statistics to make business decisions.
Using the knowledge gained in Statistical Methods and Decision Modeling for Managers, along with Marketing Management, the student will be equipped with a thorough knowledge of research methodologies. Application through research problems facing today’s managers will also be examined.

ECO 524 – Economie pentru Manageri

Acest curs este construit pe conceptele de bază ale microeconomiei şi pune accentul pe utilizarea de către firme a informaţiilor limitate într-un mediu incert, totul din perspectiva unui context global.

MKT 627- Global Marketing Management

This course will focus on the application of marketing principles in the globalized markets of the 21st Century. The combination of global free trade philosophies with local market conditions present an array of opportunities and concerns that need to be understood and managed throughout the world. The course will emphasize the global nature of these decisions and their impact on the management of products, services, brands and new market development.

FIN 617 – International Financial Management

Structure and operation of global financial markets: The international monetary system, global banking, eurocurrency markets, global securities markets, foreign exchange markets, emerging capital markets, and global portfolio management. Financial skills are required for effective management of companies engaged in international business with an emphasis on international financial management, extension of closed economy financial management techniques to the global market environment. Topics include balance of payments and exchange rate determination, the hedging of exchange rate risk, multinational capital budgeting, political risk management, taxation, the corporate management of short-term and long-term assets and liabilities and financing the global operations of firms.

MGT 522 – Managementul Resurselor Umane

Punctul central al acestui curs îl reprezintă latura umană a companiei. Sunt abordate sub-funcţiile managementului resurselor umane, diversitatea la locul de muncă, drepturile individului şi variatele chestiuni legale şi etice din acest domeniu.

MKT 523 – Managementul Marketingului

Acest curs examinează rolul funcţiilor de marketing ale firmelor aflate pe piețele consumatorilor individuali şi ale companiilor, cu accent pe decizii tactice şi operaţionale, incluzând și procesul decizional. Ariile studiate includ:

• Analiza pieţei şi a clienţilor

• Segmentarea pieţei

• Tactici de implementarea mixului de marketing.

MGT 630 – Innovative Decision Making

This course explores the various aspects of decision making in business organizations and in life. Primary attention is given to the processes that surround and shape the decision making process. Information processing, attention allocation and preference processing are also examined. Biases and other decision making pathologies are examined in the hopes of improving the decision making process. A power-based model of decision making is also addressed.