  • Română
  • English

FIN 617 – International Financial Management

Structure and operation of global financial markets: The international monetary system, global banking, eurocurrency markets, global securities markets, foreign exchange markets, emerging capital markets, and global portfolio management. Financial skills are required for effective management of companies engaged in international business with an emphasis on international financial management, extension of closed economy financial management techniques to the global market environment. Topics include balance of payments and exchange rate determination, the hedging of exchange rate risk, multinational capital budgeting, political risk … citește

MGT 522 – Managementul Resurselor Umane

Punctul central al acestui curs îl reprezintă latura umană a companiei. Sunt abordate sub-funcţiile managementului resurselor umane, diversitatea la locul de muncă, drepturile individului şi variatele chestiuni legale şi etice din acest domeniu.

MKT 523 – Managementul Marketingului

Acest curs examinează rolul funcţiilor de marketing ale firmelor aflate pe piețele consumatorilor individuali şi ale companiilor, cu accent pe decizii tactice şi operaţionale, incluzând și procesul decizional. Ariile studiate includ: • Analiza pieţei şi a clienţilor • Segmentarea pieţei • Tactici de implementarea mixului de marketing.

MGT 630 – Innovative Decision Making

This course explores the various aspects of decision making in business organizations and in life. Primary attention is given to the processes that surround and shape the decision making process. Information processing, attention allocation and preference processing are also examined. Biases and other decision making pathologies are examined in the hopes of improving the decision making process. A power-based model of decision making is also addressed.