Apply Online Tiffin EMBA – Application Form Intended enrollment year * 2024 Enrollment Location * Bucuresti Name (First Middle Last) * Phone - Home Phone - Work Phone - Mobile * Email * Address City County/District Zip code Birth Date * Education * College Attended, Major/Concentration, Degree Earned,Years Completed; Current Position * Employer * Years * Employer Address * Brief summary A brief summary of job responsibilities Previous Position #1 Previous employer Years Employer Address Brief summary A brief summary of job responsibilities Previous Position #2 Previous employer Years Employer Address Brief summary A brief summary of job responsibilities Your response #1 A statement presenting the skills, competencies and the background that you have that will enable you to be an active participant in the program as a learner and contributor. Your response #2 Graduate education is arduous and will require a commitment of your time and effort. Explain your commitment to pursuing graduate education and discuss how you plan to balance the conflicting demands on your time and effort Your response #3 What specific goals on personal development and learning do you hope to meet through your graduate study? How does the graduate degree fit with your career and life plans? Your response #4 Explain any additional work, education or training relevant to your application. A resume is acceptable
You can sign up until September 15, and you will receive a discount of 2000 euro. March 2025 will mark the start of a new cohort!May 27, 2024You can sign up until September 15, and you will receive a discount of 2000 euro. March 2025 will mark the start of a new cohort!read more
Romania makes history at Tiffin University, Ohio, USAMay 3, 2023Romania makes history at Tiffin University, Ohio, USAread more
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