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Achieve your maximum business potential, join our EMBA program Ask information

Challenge. Development. Results. In a few words Tiffin Executive MBA. It is the program that provides you with all the tools you need to stand out in the world of…

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You, because you aspire to become a business professional, you want to improve your business knowledge and you want to maximize your employment opportunities. Tiffin Executive MBA is the program…

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For an experience that efficiently combines useful information with practice in a reality anchored business environment. And all this with the exclusive guidance of professors from the United States. Because…

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You can sign up until September 15, and you will receive a discount of 2000 euro.
If you want to become a professional in business, to access a top management position, to become an entrepreneur…

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Method & Precision

The method we use is different from the classic model, and is based on case studies analysis.

• It is built around the principle of learning-by-doing

• It offers you the possibility to analyse real business situations in real time

• It will develop your skills such as leadership, teamwork and decision-making efficiency


Skills & Development

Tiffin Executive EMBA is the right choice for your business potential development.

• You will study exclusively with professors from the United States.

• You will develop your business skills and abilities

The program is addressed to entrepreneurs and managers from the profit and non-profit areas, as well as to employees, as part of the development strategy of the companies in which they work

Recognition & Prestige

Tiffin Executive EMBA is internationally recognized for the exceptional training of its graduates, the program being considered as a training institution for business people with real managerial abilities and a high level of knowledge.

• The program is accredited by prestigious international academic institutions

• The program was ranked No. 1 by Ziarul Financiar, the most widely read financial newspaper in the country, in the Best EMBA and MBA rankings

Our faculty members are professionals who have exhibited academic excellence, supported by international experience in a myriad of industries. An elite team whose expertise is the result of a deep understanding of the mechanisms behind the global business world. We invite you to get acquainted with some of the Faculty of our Executive MBA program.

Those who have chosen to join the Tiffin Executive MBA program want to make a change in their personal and professional life.

Each cohort consists of successful, senior leaders from diverse backgrounds, each looking for a launchpad for the next chapter of their careers. We select the best students to participate in our program, based on their abilities, backgrounds, and professional aspirations.
Along with the faculty, they create a unique combination of perspectives, and contribute to a powerful, challenging and collaborative atmosphere in the classroom and beyond.

The latest Tiffin EMBA cohort includes a melting pot of talent – the 25 students are made up of top managers, executives and entrepreneurs. They have an average age of 40 and 12 years of management experience.



The Tiffin EMBA courses are covering advanced and important information, with case studies and focus on tangible results, in a reality anchored business environment.


MGT 622 – Strategic Management

Strategic Management is required as a capstone course in the MBA curriculum because it involves the most sophisticated and comprehensive approach to the process of organizational management. Key elements to the understanding of strategic management are: Internal organizational analysis, analysis of the external environment, and directing a successful fit between the organization and its environment.
This course synthesizes the entire curriculum of the MBA Program. The integration of knowledge into the strategic problem-solving ability that managers will need to responsibly handle, improve and grow in the business world of today and tomorrow.

HRM 610 – Negotiations & Conflict Resolution

The course explores the nature and steps in negotiation strategies for conflict/dispute resolution, labor/management relations and mediation. In addition, the student evaluates interpersonal skills in order to achieve positive outcomes.

MGT 614 – Global and Transnational Management

This course deals with the management of multinational enterprises and managing in a global economy. Building on the interdisciplinary knowledge gained throughout the program, this course will tackle cross-cultural issues, socio-political and economic concern and international strategic management.

MGT 621 – Organization Design and Analysis

The examination of organizations in terms of patterns in design and operation through topics including organizational-environment interface, structure, technology and socio-technical systems and culture are the basis for this course.

LDR 531 – Individual Leadership & Influence

Course focus will be on learning to make a difference as a leader. Discussion and utilization of practical principles of leadership with an emphasis on integrating theory and practice are included. Students will work to create a model and set of related perspectives about how one can become a better leader of one’s self as well as the organization.
Students will work to create a model and set of related perspectives about how one can become a better leader of one’s self as well as the organization.

MGT 623 – Legal and Ethical Issues in Management

The ethical, legal, and moral problems facing managers in the public and private sectors are the focus of this course. Current issues, regulations, trade practices and liability will be discussed.

FIN 612 – Managerial Finance

This course builds on the student’s basic knowledge of accounting concepts to enhance their ability to evaluate the use of accounting data for internal planning, control and decision-making for managers.
Financial decision making addressing the structure of capital: its cost, availability and selection, along with management of cash flows and distributions are the focus of this course.

MGT 526 – Quantitative Analysis for Managers

The focus of this course is using statistical data to solve business problems. Areas to be covered will include descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will learn how to ask the right questions, evaluate data and spot statistical misuse. They will understand the importance of validity and reliability in data collection. Areas to be covered include samples, experiments, measurement, data collection, tables and charts, descriptive statistics, distributions, confidence intervals, regression, t-tests, chi-squares and correlation. The student will not become a statistician but will be able to have a basic understanding of how to use statistics to make business decisions.
Using the knowledge gained in Statistical Methods and Decision Modeling for Managers, along with Marketing Management, the student will be equipped with a thorough knowledge of research methodologies. Application through research problems facing today’s managers will also be examined.

ECO 524 – Managerial Economics

This course builds on basic concepts of microeconomics of business theory, with an emphasis on the firms’ use of limited information in an uncertain environment. Awareness of global perspective will be stressed.

MKT 627- Global Marketing Management

This course will focus on the application of marketing principles in the globalized markets of the 21st Century. The combination of global free trade philosophies with local market conditions present an array of opportunities and concerns that need to be understood and managed throughout the world. The course will emphasize the global nature of these decisions and their impact on the management of products, services, brands and new market development.

FIN 617 – International Financial Management

Structure and operation of global financial markets: The international monetary system, global banking, eurocurrency markets, global securities markets, foreign exchange markets, emerging capital markets, and global portfolio management. Financial skills are required for effective management of companies engaged in international business with an emphasis on international financial management, extension of closed economy financial management techniques to the global market environment. Topics include balance of payments and exchange rate determination, the hedging of exchange rate risk, multinational capital budgeting, political risk management, taxation, the corporate management of short-term and long-term assets and liabilities and financing the global operations of firms.

MGT 522 – Management of Human Resources

The focus of this course will be on the human side of enterprise and how individuals and their organizations impact each other. Cultural diversity, respect of the individual and interpersonal skills will be addressed.

MKT 523 – Marketing Management

This course examines the role of the marketing function of global firms participating in both consumer and business markets, with emphasis on tactical and operating decisions and decision-making processes. Areas to be studied include market and customer analysis, market segmentation and marketing mix tactics and implementation.

MGT 630 – Innovative Decision Making

This course explores the various aspects of decision making in business organizations and in life. Primary attention is given to the processes that surround and shape the decision making process. Information processing, attention allocation and preference processing are also examined. Biases and other decision making pathologies are examined in the hopes of improving the decision making process. A power-based model of decision making is also addressed.

Tiffin Executive MBA is an intensive program, taking place only in weekends (Saturdays and Sundays), composed of 7 modules to be completed in 15 months.

Each module consists of two courses and has a duration of 5 weeks and 3 weekends out of 5 will be held consecutively in the classroom.

By following a cohort model, the program will allow you to constructively interact with colleagues, to develop your teamwork skills and to apply them effectively in real-life situations.

Tiffin Executive EMBA is based on case studies such as those originally developed at Harvard Business School.

Program performance:

• In the week prior to the commencement of the courses, the chapters to be studied and projects to be analyzed shall be named

• You will participate in courses held exclusively by American professors

• During the drafting period of the final projects, you will remain in touch with the teachers through the Tiffin EMBA Portal. This portal provides secure chat rooms, discussion forums and documents that can be used in conjunction

Tiffin Executive EMBA is carefully designed and built to your needs, so the program takes into account your personal life and family. The courses do not take place during the summer months. Also, there are no courses in December and during the Easter holiday.

The seven sessions of the program include:

• Printed course materials (excluding textbooks)

• Electronic course supporting documents

• Academic facilities related to graduation and more

In Romania, the Tiffin Executive MBA program takes place only in Bucharest.

Code Course Name Course Schedule Seated Portion
LDR 531 Individual Leadership & Influence Mar 02 – April 7, 2024 Mar 09 – Mar 24, 2024
MKT 523 Marketing Management Mar 02 – April 7, 2024 Mar 09 – Mar 24, 2024
FIN 617 International Financial May 04 – Jun 09, 2024 May 11 – May 26, 2024
MGT 526 Quantitative Business Analysis and Research May 04 – June 09, 2024 May 11 – May 26, 2024
MGT 522 Management of Human Resources Jun 29 – Aug 04, 2024 July 6 – July 21, 2024
HRM 610 Negotiations and Conflict Jun 29 – Aug 04, 2024 July 6 – July 21, 2024
ECO 524 Managerial Economics Oct 19 – Nov 10, 2024 Oct 26 – Nov 10, 2024
FIN 612 Managerial Finance Oct 19 – Nov 10, 2024 Oct 26 – Nov 10, 2024
MKT 627 Global Marketing Jan 04 – Feb 09, 2024 Jan 11 – Jan 26, 2025
MGT 621 Organizational Design and Analysis Jan 04 – Feb 09, 2024 Jan 11 – Jan 26, 2025
MGT 623 Legal and Ethical Issues in Management Mar 08 – Apr 13, 2025 Mar 15 – Mar 30, 2025
MGT 614 Global and Transnational Management Mar 08 – Apr 13 2025 Mar 15 – Mar 30, 2025
MGT 630 Innovative Decision Making May 03 – June 08, 2025 May 10 – May 25, 2025
MGT 622 Strategic Management May 03 – June 08, 2025 May 10 – May 25, 2025


Admission into the Tiffin EMBA program is based on the assessment of each person individually, taking into account the following criteria:

  • Academic training (Bachelor’s Degree), as an indicator of the training level for postgraduate studies (average grade for the years of study must be at least 7 if the applicant has more than 5 years of professional experience or 7.5 if the applicant has less than 5 years of professional experience);
  • Professional and life experience of the applicant – as an indicator of the applicant’s potential to be an active participant in the Program (a minimum of 8 curricular areas of 12 should be covered by professional experience and/or education)
  • The applicant must state the reasons for which he/she wishes to join this Program and how it fits into his/her life and career – as an indicator of the relevance and usefulness of this program for the applicant.
  • Linguistic competence of English, if English is not the native language, because Tiffin Executive MBA program is taught only in English by American professors.

Registration for admission into the Program is done throughout the entire calendar year, based upon availability.

General conditions for admission into the program

The program is for both Romanian and foreign citizens, graduates, and English speakers, with a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent and a minimum of 3 years of work experience and managerial experience.
Registration for admission into the Executive Master in Business Administration is performed based upon the documents confirming the applicant’s ability to follow this program and the payment of the registration fee.

These documents are:

  • Application form;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma Supplement/transcript in 2 (two) certified copies and a certified translation into English;
  • Copy of the Identity Document/Card;
  • TOEFL English certificate or the Certificate issued by the Foreign Language Centre at the University of Bucharest or by another renowned institution in the field;
  • Proof of registration fee payment, which is also a benchmark for establishing the discounts for early registration into the Program.

For any other details regarding the admission into the Tiffin EMBA program please contact us.

The Admission Process and Selection Criteria

Based on the above listed documents, the Program’s Director fills in a Professional Skills Certificate (Common Professional Component Certification) specifying your abilities, acquired skills through formal training (studies), as well as through professional experience (interview + curriculum vitae + Application form).

The Application form, Curriculum Vitae, a certified copy of the Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma Supplement/transcript, their certified translations into English, and a copy of the English certificate, together with the Professional Skills Certificate shall be sent at Tiffin University, Ohio, USA. The admission into the program at Tiffin University is carried out after the analysis of these documents.

In this case, the student and the Program Director in Romania receive a letter of admission officially announcing your admission into the program. The next stage is the conclusion of the Learning Agreement with the University, the payment of the tuition fee under the agreement.

The students are evaluated and admitted in the order of submission and payment of the registration fee.

If a candidate decides to postpone attending the classes, its place will be taken by the next person admitted into the Program by Tiffin University who has paid the registration fee in chronological order after the last person who received a spot.

If two candidates cover the same number of curricular areas and there is only one open spot, the spot will be given to the person who has paid the registration fee first.
From the time of admission, the signing of the agreement by both parties shall be concluded in no more than three weeks.

If a person who was admitted does not pay the equivalent value of the first module within a month from the signing of the agreement, its place shall be taken by the next person admitted into the program in calendar order.

Any admitted candidate may postpone the commencement of the studies as long as it considers necessary. After the start of the courses, each student is required to complete the program within no more than 6 (six) years.

In the competitive business environment, how the theory is put into practice makes all the difference most of the times. That is why the program will focus on the practical aspect of the knowledge taught, by analysing real-life and relevant business cases.

The secret also lies in the ability to bring the teachers as close as possible to the students, and to create a team spirit throughout the program.

This is reflected in the assessment method, which is based not only on a final exam, but on a continuous evaluation during the entire course.

Tiffin Executive EMBA encourages:

• Participation in group discussions

• Teamwork

• Constant communication with the rest of the group through work meetings and the Tiffin Portal (Moodle)

• Compliance with the performance periods and deadlines of the performance works.

At the end of the Tiffin Executive EMBA program you will receive:

EMBA Degree from Tiffin University, which will be granted after completing the entire program within a special ceremony held at Tiffin University in Ohio.

In addition, at the end of each course, you will receive a certificate of participation.

The tuition fee is 17 000 euro and can be paid in full or in more installments.

Depending on the chosen payment method, you will benefit from the following discounts:

1 050 – full payment

750 – payment in 2 installments

500 – payment in 3 installments

This fee includes tuition costs and other services, such as:

• Printed materials for each course, besides textbooks

• Electronic course supporting documents

• Other academic activities

The textbooks will be charged separately. Our teachers will choose from the latest editions of the best textbooks in the field, published by recognized publishers such as McGraw Hill, Prentice-Hall, Thomson South-Western.

A file processing fee will be charged upon the receipt of the Application Form. The processing will take place at Tiffin University in Ohio.

All fees will be paid in RON based on a fiscal invoice at the National Bank of Romania exchange rate on the day of billing, within 15 days from the invoice date.

We offer discounts to companies that send more than 5 students to follow the courses of our program. They may attend courses in classes in different years.

For details please contact us.

Program financing methods

You can finance the Tiffin Executive MBA program as follows:

• You can ask the company you work for to pay the Tiffin Executive EMBA program as an investment in the company’s human resources – the most widely used variant

• You can pay the program from personal funds

• You can request a loan for the payment of the program. Many banks on the Romanian market offer such study loans

• You can apply for a sponsorship from any company paying the income tax of 16%, as this expense is deductible

Withdrawal fees

To withdraw from the program, Tiffin University shall be notified in writing through a notice sent directly by e-mail.

After notifying Tiffin University about your withdrawal from a course, the refund of the tuition fee will be made according to the following plan:

4 weeks before the commencement of the first session – 100%

Less than 4 weeks before the commencement of the first session – 50%

During the first week of classes – The fee is not refundable

These rules apply to all amounts paid before the beginning of a module.