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Mihai Neagu, CEO Mogyi

About business in times of crisis and the help provided by an EMBA program

Through our business DNA, we, Mogyi, are an organization with strong human values ​​and not only on a declarative level, but on a real level. We prefer people’s safety before business, that’s why, in the 2020 pandemic situation, we followed a simple reasoning: the virus will pass, but the people must continue their work (post-pandemic), healthy and at maximum capacity. A professor I had, as a student at Tiffin University, said that all the resources of an organization can be equal to zero if its management platform (the people) is missing or it’s deficient. Thus, we had to redefine ourselves in terms of processes, way of collaborating with customers, in approaching the marketing strategy, etc.

Given that the consumption habits changed during the pandemic, I can say that we had the advantage of playing in a category whose consumption has increased, and this has given us the comfort of thinking more clearly during this period. We’ve orientated to micro-management in the entire structure, being an atypical and unique period for many of us, so we tried, as much as possible, not to lose sight of things that could distort the business or its financial result.

I admit, as the CEO of this company, that I have returned, frequently, to the manuals that are still visible on the shelves of my office, and I admit that I experienced again the moments when I was doing case studies on different real case situations, such as are made at Tiffin University, and so I was able, together with a team that supported me all the time, to go successfuly through this period, obtaining unprecedented performances for Mogyi Romania.